Fellow BEWBC club members,
We hope this email finds you doing well and staying healthy. 
We’ve been carefully monitoring the recommendations of our local governments and the CDC regarding COVID-19. Unfortunately, the phased reopening and life returning to normal hasn’t progressed as far as we would have hoped. Our club board met and we have reluctantly decided to cancel Winefest this year out of respect to the health and safety of our club members, judges and volunteers.  
While this news is disappointing, we are excited for that time when we can all gather together again and enjoy our collective passion for wine. If there’s an opportunity for us to socially gather in a safe manner sometime this summer, we'll let you know. In addition, we hope have Winefest 2021 at the same location in the Seattle area if everything works out.
Until then, please take care and stay healthy!
Jon Barbour
VP of Wine
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Stacey Huang
Winefest 2020 Coordinator
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