Here are the procedures we want to ensure that all crush and vineyard focals follow.  It is expected that all BEWBC members and guests will appreciate and comply with these procedures and follow the leadership of the focals as identified below. 
1. It is club policy that all people attending a crush event have signed a liability waiver form. Before anyone touches fruit the person managing the crush should call all participants together. Don't be shy about being authoritarian about managing the crush activities. Use a loud voice. Exercise authority. Have a plan of action. Ensure everyone knows the plan.
2. Ask if anyone is not a club member and has not signed a waiver (club members have already signed). If they have not they must sign a waiver to participate. The crush manager should provide the forms for signature, and collect and save the forms for future record. You should print and bring a copy of forms with you to the crush event. A copy of the form is attached to this email.  Additional copies will be located in the club store room.  
3. Before anyone touches fruit the crush manager should call all participants together to have a discussion about safety. Stress the importance of maintaining a thoughtful and safety aware atmosphere at the event. People are excited. Let them know that is good, but more important than their excitement is safety. Stress the things to be watched for which include cars pulling in and out of the area, totes scattered across the area, the loading and unloading of macro bins, the moving parts of the crusher, the potential to slip in puddles and on grapes, the potential for falling stacks of totes, and any other potential issues that you are aware of.
4. Assign a person to manage the palate jack and the unloading of the macro bins from the truck. Ask for a volunteer and select someone who is experienced, comfortable and knowledgeable about using this equipment. 2000 lbs of falling macro bin can kill someone.   
5. Assign a person to manage the running of the crusher destemmer. Ask for a volunteer and select someone who is experienced, comfortable and knowledgeable about using this equipment. Do not assume that everyone knows how to run this machine or is capable of running it on their own. The running of the crusher is the best point of control of the event. If it's not turned on and running, people must wait to complete the acquisition of their fruit. Use the machine as the focal point for managing the crowd. If things don't feel in control, turn it off until there is control.
6. Ensure people understand what you expect of them regarding clean up. If you want all people who crush to stay for clean up then say so up front and get their verbal commitment. If you are fine with people leaving right after they crush and leaving you to the clean up then state that as well.
Again you need a plan regarding clean up and you need to clearly communicate it.
Thanks for everyone's support on this.