Club Events

News Update on the Fair Amateur Wine & Beer Competition

June 2018


You are invited to enter your amateur wine and/or beer in the Washington State Fair competition in Puyallup in August!

* Entries are $3.50 each, same as last year.
* Each entrant gets free Fair tickets. 
* Your bottle will be displayed for all your friends and family to admire.
* Ribbons and cash prizes are awarded. 
* You'll get objective and useful feedback from knowledgeable judges.

* Go online to and click on competitive exhibits, then scroll down to the Beer & Wine Premium list.  There's a new calendar, information on all the entry classes, and all the information you need.
* The website is active now, so there is no reason to wait.
* Drop off your beer/wine at the Fair on Saturday August 11 between 10am and 2pm.  Not convenient?  Drop it off at Jon's Homebrew and Wine Supply, 1430 E Main, Puyallup.  Jon's is now open 7 days a week, just drop it off before August 11.

The Washington State Fair Amateur Wine & Beer Competition judges each wine and beer on it's own merits: presence, balance, type or varietal character, not by how it compares to others.  For this reason, there can be many (or few) winners at each level and in each category.  Both the beer and wine are judged blind, so that the judge does not know who made the entry s/he is tasting. 

The Beer competition follows BJCP and is a sanctioned competition with BJCP ranked judges.  The Wine competition uses AWS scoring sheets, and the judges come from a variety of backgrounds, including the AWS Wine Judge Certification Program.

Winemakers please be sure you test and record your final specific gravity, using a hydrometer.  We need this when you enter your wine because it allows us to put the wines in a proper tasting sequence.  It's difficult for a judge to accurately assess your wine if s/he has to bounce back and forth between dry and sweet wines.  Help is available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or you can purchase a hydrometer for under $10 at Jon's HomeBrew in Puyallup, or your favorite wine and beer supply store.

PSAWBC meets the first Friday of each month, more club information is available at The club will (as always) have a booth at the fair, and will display the winning entries.

PLEASE help us get the word out to amateur winemakers, homebrewers, clubs, businesses, and anyone who might be interested.  Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll add them to this mailing list. 

Good Luck and Cheers!