BEWBC March Membership Meeting:
March Madness
Australia vs. Washington
Friday, March 28nd at 7:00 pm
Tukwila Masonic Lodge
13034 41st Ave S, Seattle
It's time for March Madness again, one of the most popular events on the wine meeting calendar where club members can see how their wines stack up again some great world wines. This year we're adding a twist - Australia vs. Washington wines. That means each one of the 16 wines in the "taste-off" will fit one of those 2 regions. We're hoping the theme will let you experience and discover the nuances of each region as you're picking your favorites. As usual we won't reveal our wines' true identities until the end of the evening, when we've determined the most popular wine overall.
March Madness is scheduled for Friday March 28th. We are soliciting wine from club members and will find the corresponding Australian counterpart. For Australian wine that would include traditional varietals, such as Syrah, Grenache, Cabernet, Merlot, Chardonnay, and Sav Blanc from Washington and other parts of the world.
If you'd like to pit your wine against the rest of the March Madness field, please contact Bradley Sherman
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by March 14th.
Location for March 2008 meeting:
Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington