Winefest 2011 - Finals
Saturday, July 16th, 2011 - 3:30 pm to 9-ish
Greetings, it’s time to start thinking about Winefest 2011. This year we would like to see each one of you and your families participate. Winefest finals will be hosted by Steve and Deb Foisie. Mark your calendars and bring your family to see how your wines fared against your peers and what the professional judges thought of your wine. This will be a great gathering for the BEWBC/BEEWBC members. If you only made beer this year, this will be a great place to get the wine guys to expand their horizons by sharing some of your brew.
We are all set for the BEWBC/BEEWBC Winefest Finals Social and Pot Luck Dinner.
This is a family affair, so everyone is invited. Bring a beverage to share with your friends and fellow “fermenters”
For those bringing children, we will have an activities table set up with various projects for our younger guests.
Cost – none, so bring your family and friends.
The club will provide meat or veggie burgers for the grill
Bring a beverage to share
Please bring something for the Pot Luck Dinner: Appetizer Salad Main Dish Dessert
Prizes for the best food item for each category, voted on by all in attendance….so bring a friend and stack the ballot box
Punch, Soda and Coffee provided for all ages and tastes
Wine label judging (you may even win a prize or ribbon for your label)
Best pot luck dish by category
Activities for younger set
Recognition awards and prizes
Hang out and share wine stories
You will have already paid for entering wines at preliminaries
No cost for members not having wine judged.
This year’s Winefest Finals will be hosted by Steve and Deb Foisie at their home. Google for directions and then follow the signs.
Address for Winefest Finals: 27914 East Main Street, Redmond, WA 98053
Wine Events
Winefest 2011 Finals
- Details
- Written by Mark Emiley
- Parent Category: Wine
- Category: Wine Events
- Hits: 3589