Wine Events

Greetings BEWBC Members and Friends,

TIME TO START ORDERING GRAPES FOR 2023!  Grape “Equal Priority Ordering” opens March 1 and will CLOSE Monday MARCH 20
th.   If you'd like a definition of Equal Priority Ordering - please see ** below. 
To order grapes:

  1. Log in to website
  2. Renew your membership if not already done
  3. Place orders - SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW

If you have any questions about a vineyard, contact the vineyard focal listed in the vineyard description write-up. For general questions, contact Grape Procurement Coordinator Travis Bristow (
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

After logging into the BEWBC site, Follow the links on the site described below.

  > Grape Info & Ordering
  > Vineyards – order here!  
  > Select desired vineyard    
  > Press the "ORDER" button at bottom of page 
  > Fill out the order form and SUBMIT:

Vineyard Notes:

  • All orders for Keller Vineyards must be placed during Equal Priority period
  • Cougar Hills Viognier is limited to 2,000lbs max for all orders.
  • Stillwater Creek Syrah is limited to 2,000lbs max

** Equal Priority Ordering period is when any order placed for a vineyard/varietal will have equal priority to other orders for that vineyard/varietal.  If the orders exceed available grapes or if there are shortages at harvest time, those shortages will be spread among Equal Priority Ordering in an equitable manner.  Those who order after Equal Priority Ordering have lower priority and will not get grapes if the vineyard has sold out or will have lower priority if there are shortages at harvest time (i.e. will be impacted first).   The Equal Priority guidelines have been reviewed with all vineyard focals to ensure uniform application during 2023 harvest.  You can still place orders after Equal priority Ordering but run the risk of not getting what you want.  PLUS it is helpful for the club and our standing with our vineyards to order as early as possible.  
Note - You can place orders after Equal Priority Ordering closes, however, those orders have less priority than orders placed during open enrollment in the event of grape shortage at harvest. 
Note - that our ordering process uses Google Forms.  Boeing firewalls block access to Google Forms so you must access registration from a personal computer or mobile device