Time to start ordering grapes for 2017! Time sensitive!
Hi BEWBC club members. It is time to renew your membership and order grapes. There are big changes/improvements to the club's website so PLEASE READ THE DETAILS BELOW.
First, you must be an active member so make sure to renew your membership online. Due for 2017 are $35 for active employees/associations, $25 for retirees. Just go www.bewbc.org, log in using your existing profile, and renew! It is nice and easy with online payment and it will take effect immediately (offline payment options are available but it will cause a delay).
> Sign up Online
GRAPE ORDERING (open enrollment) time period:
- Corvus Vineyard: Opens today and Closes Friday, Feb 24th (ENDS EARLY)
- All other Vineyards: Opens today and Closes Monday, March 13th
Note- You can place orders after open enrollment closes however those orders have less priority than orders placed during open enrollment in the event of grape shortage at harvest.
All open enrollment orders have equal priority.
PRICING: 2017 pricing for Chandler Reach, Les Collines and Stillwater Creek is not yet known so 2016 prices are shown for these vineyards. Please be flexible with any price increase made during open enrollment; you’ll have an opportunity to cancel.
ORDER GRAPES using the NEW website system. Please note that our new process uses Google Forms. Boeing firewalls block access to Google Forms so you must access registration from a personal computer or mobile device (you shouldn't be ordering from work anyhow!) If you log into Google before submitting your order, you'll be able to access it later! After logging into the BEWBC site, Follow the links on the site described below.
MEMBERS AREA > Grape Info & Ordering > Vineyards – order here! > Select vineyard and press the "ORDER" button at bottom of page
> Fill out the order form and SUBMIT:
Example order form: 
If you have any questions, please contact our Grape Procurement Committee. Sincerely, BEWBC Grape Procurement