From your BEWBC Executive Board
Nominations for Board Members
It's that time of year again for our club's own officer election process for 2012 officers. Now is the time to consider how you can serve our club in the coming year. If you have never held a position in the club, please consider taking your turn and helping in this way (or even if you have previously served - consider another turn).
Our election timeline is as follows:
- Nominations solicited and accepted through January 5th
- List of Nominees published in The Press and on Website
- Elections held*: at the January club meeting
* Note: If only a single candidate is nominated for an office, that candidate shall be declared elected at the January meeting. If more than one candidate is nominated for an office, the contested position will be decided by ballot prior to the January meeting, and the winner announced at the January meeting.
Elected officer positions and current nominations are as follows (other nominations are WELCOME - all of these are returning officers some would welcome the opportunity for someone new to serve):
- President – Kathryn Chalfan
- Vice President – Wine – Dennis Campbell
- Vice President – Beer – OPEN – PLEASE VOLUNTEER!
- Treasurer – Paul Woodward
- Secretary – Rick Adams
In addition to the elected officer positions, the following non-officer positions need to be filled:
- Grape Procurement Coordinator Assistant (assist GP Coordinators Joe & Kevin to learn the role and hopefully prepare to transition to assume the role yourself in a following year)
If you would like to volunteer yourself or nominate a fellow club member for any of the above offices, please contact one of the members of this year’s nominating committee below or any of our current executive board officers. Self-nominations are more than welcome.
We challenge you to consider whether you or another club member might be right for one of these offices. Our club is a cooperative effort, which takes a lot of coordination to manage at our level, but the effort is actually small when we all chip in. We have all benefited from the past efforts of our volunteers. Please think about how you can serve our club in the coming year, and don't hesitate to contact any member of the Nominating Committee to discuss the possibilities.
Thanks for your help in making BEWBC one of Boeing's most successful clubs! We look forward to hearing from you.
Your BEWBC Nominating Committee
Joe Sikora (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Kevin Neal (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)